We have been saying this for nearly a decade — Your C-Reactive Protein (CRP) inflammatory marker DOES matter!
In fact, according to Harvard Medical researcher Dr. Paul Ridker principle investigator on many CRP clinical studies, it matters more as an indicator of your heart and cardiovascular health than your cholesterol readings! This may not be a popular opinion today, but it is a scientifically researched opinion.
Please read the full article from Harvard Medical. This may surprise and even shock you!
There is still good news for you if your marker was high. Through smart choices and a few simple steps, you can improve your CRP and significantly enhance your cardiovascular health.
Step 1
- Eat a low-inflammatory food diet. Get the Inflammation Food Pyramid from TriVita
Step 2
- Add physical activity to your day, just walking 30 minutes a day can make a difference
Step 3
- Include [TVBLOGCOPY]Nopalea[/TVBLOGCOPY][MWSBLOGCOPY]Nopalea[/MWSBLOGCOPY] in your daily nutrient intake
- Managing your inflammation is one of the most important things you can do for your heart and brain health!
- Life is wonderful and beautiful when living with greater wellness!
I have a friend who’s diabetic. Can he take this and Nopalea? Adaptuit sleep?
Although we have many customers who rely on TriVita products to support many body systems, the wellness needs of each individual may vary. So, we recommend that your friend speaks with their medical provider regarding the nutrients in our products in relation to their specific health concerns. The ingredients for each our products can be found on the product page under the product information section.
I have a friend who’s diabetic. Can he take this and Nopalea? Adaptuit sleep?
Although we have many customers who rely on TriVita products to support many body systems, the wellness needs of each individual may vary. So, we recommend that your friend speaks with their medical provider regarding the nutrients in our products in relation to their specific health concerns. The ingredients for each our products can be found on the product page under the product information section.
I have a friend who’s diabetic. Can he take this and Nopalea? Adaptuit sleep?
Although we have many customers who rely on TriVita products to support many body systems, the wellness needs of each individual may vary. So, we recommend that your friend speaks with their medical provider regarding the nutrients in our products in relation to their specific health concerns. The ingredients for each our products can be found on the product page under the product information section.
I have a friend who’s diabetic. Can he take this and Nopalea? Adaptuit sleep?
Although we have many customers who rely on TriVita products to support many body systems, the wellness needs of each individual may vary. So, we recommend that your friend speaks with their medical provider regarding the nutrients in our products in relation to their specific health concerns. The ingredients for each our products can be found on the product page under the product information section.