Episode 04: Featuring Dr. Michael Arloski

Dr. Michael Arloski shares his experience as one of the key developers of the wellness coaching field and sheds light on what’s possible with coaching.

Have you ever tried wellness coaching or considered becoming a wellness coach? Dr. Michael Arloski wants you to know lasting change is possible! In this episode, Dr. Arloski breaks down what to expect while working with a wellness coach, how coaching can assist you to live better, and what it takes to be a successful coach.

About Michael Arloski, Ph.D., PCC, CWP:

Dr. Arloski is a licensed psychologist, professional certified coach, a certified wellness practitioner, CEO of Real Balance Global Wellness and dean of The Wellness Coach Training Institute. He became interested in wellness and what is now called positive psychology early on in his academic career. And was fortunate enough to attend the world’s first Wellness Conference at The National Wellness Institute in 1978. Since then, he’s committed his life to studying health and wellness and helping other achieve it in their lives.

Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change

Dr. Arloski wrote Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change, which has been used to train well over 8,000 health and wellness coaches all over the world. This is an easy-to-use training tool that has become the field’s foundational guide for wellness professionals of all kinds. He recently released the 2nd edition which includes numerous updates, additions and expanded worksheets.

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