Keeping Your Attitude Window Clean

Happy New Year! May your goals and resolutions manifest in your life throughout 2019!

Yes, goals and dreams do come to pass when we refuse to let them die – and when we keep a positive attitude. In the connected world we live in, we are bombarded every day by negative news and information that can affect our attitude if we allow it to. We need to rise above the negativity around us. 

In his book Attitude is Everything, Jeff Keller writes, “We must think of attitude as the mental filter through which you experience the world. It is really your window through which you see the world. When you were a child, the window seemed pretty clean. But as you know there comes a time when life starts throwing dirt on the window. Our windows get dirty by criticism from parents and teachers, smudged by ridicule from peers, smeared by rejection, soiled by disappointments and clouded by doubt.”

“The problem is dirt keeps building up and all too many people do nothing about it. They continue to go through life with a dirty window from which they view their world. They lose enthusiasm, get frustrated easily, and depressed. And most tragically, they give up on their dreams and resolutions all because they failed to clean their attitude window.”

You can’t control the dirt that is thrown on the window, but you can choose to take out the squeegee and clean the window! I promise you, life will appear brighter and sunnier: you will be happier and healthier; you will accomplish more; your resolutions and dreams will come alive and stay alive. But only you can choose to wipe the window clean. Adjusting our attitudes through the wellness essentials of love, forgiveness, gratitude and acceptance are some of the greatest ways I know to consistently wipe the window of attitude clean.

Dr. Viktor Frankl, who survived the Holocaust, wrote these words: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Remember, only you can wipe your attitude window clean each day. Having a more positive attitude is achievable and with it a healthier and happier life!

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