True Happiness is Found in Purpose — Take the Life Purpose Quiz

“The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you or gives a sense of meaning, joy and happiness.” — Terry Orlick

Human emotional and spiritual fulfillment is designed in our hearts by our Creator to be found in the fidelity to a worthy purpose using our gifts, talents and resources. Yet at times, we behave as if we believe happiness and self –fulfillment is attained through self-gratification, only to discover its lack of fulfillment.

True happiness and fulfillment in your life are closer today than ever before. A quote I recently came upon puts finding purpose in life very simply; “The purpose of life is a life of purpose. A life of purpose is to contribute in some way in making our world better.”

Each of you has gifts, talents, resources and passions to make our world better. Take some time to reflect on how you can use yours for a better world. It is there that you will find happiness, self-fulfillment and well-being.

Aligning with our purpose in life is the optimal way of living. To determine if your actions align with your purpose, complete this ‘Purpose in Life’ test developed by Dr. Brian Burke. Take the quiz and see if you score above 50, indicating you are moving towards your purpose in life.

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